The Problem with Sugar

By Toriyan Wallace

If you’re feeling sluggish, irritable, or not like yourself, too much added sugar could be to blame. Learn how to spot the warning signs of excess sugar. Here are twelve potential signs that you have been consuming too much sugar.

  1. Increased hunger and weight gain

  2. Irritability

  3. Fatigue and low energy levels

  4. Foods aren’t tasting sweet enough

  5. Endless cravings for sweets

  6. High blood pressure

  7. Acne and wrinkles

  8. Joint pains

  9. Sleep issues

  10.  Digestive issues

  11. Brain fog

  12. Cavities

While it’s simply unrealistic to avoid all added sugars in your diet, it’s a good idea to read labels, focus on whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible, and make healthier food choices. 


BlogRhonda Watson